If you love someone, do you also love that person's flaws? Because it's easy to love someone when that person is lovable...and its true love, to love that person when is in its ugly, dark moments. In fact when those flaws come up is when being loved is more needed.
That's why love is so difficult. We fall in love of the good side and we ignore, deny or minimize the bad side. When both sides (good and bad), make the person as he or she is. |
Love is given in different modalities... the love between parents and children, between couples, between friends. Love has unique characteristics: it is unconditional, it is sincere, it gives freedom.
When love is how it should be, it makes us be 100% ourselves. And it motivates us to be better. It gives us a different view of life...making it more alive, with more color, more cheerful. Loving is a blessing but being loved is a privilege. Let's celebrate the most transcendental feeling: LOVE. |
We only notice things when it's time to see them...
It does not matter what other people are saying or doing. It matters what you think of what you are doing.
If a person behaves righteously although nobody sees... that is called integrity.
The obstacles are not what define you; it is the attitude you have to face them and finally overcome.
While we try to teach children everything about life, they teach us what life is about.
That growing up does not mean stop wondering and dream like children... Happy Children's Day! |
What is the secret of happiness? Be consistent with yourself: that what you think, feel, do or say coincide with each other.
To get something you never had, you must do something you never did...
Accepting reality is the first step to changing your reality.